Internet Info 1994 March
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/***** hpcvmb:net.sources / topaz!dpz / 7:53 am May 12, 1986*/
Support Routines for nansi.sys
The three files setraw.asm, setraw.lc, and setraw.msc contain routines
to allow use of RAW mode from assembly, Lattice C, and Microsoft C.
Lattice C is a little wierder than most, so rawtest.lc was included
to show how to use setraw.lc; the other languages require no special
setup to use setraw.
;---- setraw.asm ----------------------------------------------
public getraw, setraw
;----- dos ----------------------
; Call DOS function # n.
dos macro fn
mov ah, fn
int 21h
code segment para public 'CODE'
assume cs:code
;----- Getraw ---------------------------------------------
; Returns AX=1 if file BX is a device in raw mode; 0 otherwise.
; Returns Carry set & errorcode in AX if DOS error.
getraw proc near
mov al, 0
DOS 44h ; Get attributes
jc gr_exit ; bad file handle?
mov ax, 20h
and al, dl ; get that bit
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
getraw endp
;----- Setraw -------------------------------------------
; Sets Raw state of file BX to (AX != 0) if file is a device.
; Returns Carry set & errorcode in AX if DOS error.
setraw proc near
mov cx, ax
mov al, 0
DOS 44h
jc sr_exit
test al, 80h ; It it a device?
jz sr_exit ; nope- do nothing.
; Current mode in DX; set CX = 20H if CX nonzero.
or cx, cx
jz sr_ax0
mov cx, 20h
sr_ax0: and dx, 00cfh ; clear old raw bit and hi byte,
or dx, cx ; set new value.
mov al, 1
DOS 44h
setraw endp
code ends
;---- end of setraw.asm ------------------------------------------
/*--- setraw.msc -------------------------------------------------
Routines to set and reset raw mode on stdin/stdout.
For Microsoft C.
#include <dos.h>
/* Use the IOCTL DOS function call to change stdin and stdout to raw mode.
* For stdin, this prevents MSDOS from trapping ^P, ^S, ^C, thus freeing us
* of ^P toggling 'echo to printer'.
* For stdout, this radically speeds up the output because there is no
* checking for these special characters in the input buffer whenever
* screen output is occurring.
* Note that only the stdin OR stdout ioctl need be changed since
* apparently they are handled as the same device.
* Thanks to Mark Zbikowski (markz@microsoft.UUCP) for helping me with
* this.
* --- This stolen from sources to the mighty game HACK ---
#define DEVICE 0x80
#define RAW 0x20
#define IOCTL 0x44
#define STDIN fileno(stdin)
#define STDOUT fileno(stdout)
#define GETBITS 0
#define SETBITS 1
static unsigned old_stdin, old_stdout, ioctl();
/*--- set_raw() ----------
Call this to set raw mode; call restore_raw() later to restore
console to old rawness state.
old_stdin = ioctl(STDIN, GETBITS, 0);
old_stdout = ioctl(STDOUT, GETBITS, 0);
if (old_stdin & DEVICE)
ioctl(STDIN, SETBITS, old_stdin | RAW);
if (old_stdout & DEVICE)
ioctl(STDOUT, SETBITS, old_stdout | RAW);
if (old_stdin)
(void) ioctl(STDIN, SETBITS, old_stdin);
if (old_stdout)
(void) ioctl(STDOUT, SETBITS, old_stdout);
static unsigned
ioctl(handle, mode, setvalue)
unsigned setvalue;
union REGS regs;
regs.h.ah = IOCTL;
regs.h.al = mode;
regs.x.bx = handle;
regs.h.dl = setvalue;
regs.h.dh = 0; /* Zero out dh */
intdos(®s, ®s);
return (regs.x.dx);
/*-- end of setraw.msc --*/
/*------ setraw.lc ----------------------------------------------
Lattice C routines which get and set the current raw/cooked state
of a file, given its Lattice file descriptor.
Useful when trying to obtain high console output speeds.
#include "\lc\dos.h"
#define CARRY 0x1
#define ERROR (-1)
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
extern _oserr;
/*---- getraw --------------------------------------------------
Returns TRUE if file fd is a device in raw mode; FALSE otherwise.
Returns ERROR, puts errorcode in _oserr, if DOS error.
int fd;
union REGS inregs;
union REGS outregs;
int flags;
if (fd > 2) fd+=2; /* convert to DOS fd */
inregs.x.bx = fd;
inregs.x.ax = 0x4400; /* get file attributes */
flags = intdos(&inregs, &outregs);
if (flags & CARRY) {
_oserr = outregs.x.ax;
return -1;
return (outregs.x.dx & 0x20) ? TRUE : FALSE;
/*---- setraw --------------------------------------------------
Sets Raw state of file fd to raw_on (if file is not a device, does nothing).
Returns zero if successful.
Returns ERROR & errorcode in _oserr if DOS error.
setraw(fd, raw_on)
int fd, raw_on;
union REGS inregs;
union REGS outregs;
int flags;
if (fd > 2) fd+=2; /* convert to DOS fd */
inregs.x.ax = 0x4400; /* get file attributes */
inregs.x.bx = fd;
flags = intdos(&inregs, &outregs);
if (flags & CARRY) {
_oserr = outregs.x.ax;
return ERROR;
if ((outregs.x.ax & 0x80) == 0) /* return zero if not device */
return 0;
outregs.x.ax = 0x4401; /* set file attributes */
outregs.x.bx = fd;
outregs.x.dx &= 0xcf; /* clear old raw bit & hi byte */
if (raw_on) outregs.x.dx |= 0x20; /* maybe set new raw bit */
flags = intdos(&outregs, &inregs);
if (flags & CARRY) {
_oserr = inregs.x.ax;
return ERROR;
return 0;
/*-- end of setraw.lc --*/
/*------ rawtest.lc -------------------------------------------------
Lattice C program to demonstrate the difference in speed between
DOS's raw and cooked modes when writing to the DOS console.
Requires setraw.c; make the demo as follows:
lc setraw rawtest
link \lc\s\c rawtest setraw,rawtest,,\lc\s\lc
and run it by typing
Note- Lattice C's raw mode (i.e. using mode "rb" or "wb" with fopen)
is not the same as DOS's raw mode, and does not affect speed.
What does affect speed is whether output is performed with single-character
DOS calls, which is the default. To get a speed improvement, you must
open "con" WITHOUT a trailing colon, and use that file for high-speed output;
see section 5.2 (Device I/O) of the Lattice manual.
When using MS-DOS raw mode, the console is in totally unbuffered mode-
echo is turned off, no printer echoing is done, and no line editing
is done, regardless of which file setraw was applied to. This means
that the console must be in non-raw ("cooked") mode for line-oriented
console input to work properly.
Note: no speed difference will be noticed when using the standard console
driver ANSI.SYS that comes with DOS; you must be using NANSI.SYS to
get massively fast output.
To use nansi.sys, insert the following line in \config.sys:
device = nansi.sys
and put nansi.sys on the top level directory; the system will load
it at boot time.
(If there was already a line invoking plain old ansi.sys, remove it.)
#include "\lc\stdio.h"
char response[128];
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
FILE *fp;
int fd;
int old_rawness;
int i;
fp = fopen("con", "w");
if (fp == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "can't open 'con'!");
fd = fileno(fp); /* get Level 1 file descriptor */
old_rawness = getraw(fd); /* Save old raw/cooked state */
setraw(fd, 0); /* make sure we're in cooked mode */
puts("Cooked mode test (hit return):");
fprintf(fp, "\033[2J"); /* clear screen */
for (i=0; i<20; i++)
fprintf(fp, "This is cooked mode! Why is it so darned slow? %d\n", i);
puts("Raw mode test (hit return):");
gets(response); /* must be in cooked mode to use gets */
setraw(fd, 1); /* enter raw mode */
fprintf(fp, "\033[2J"); /* clear screen */
for (i=0; i<20; i++)
fprintf(fp, "-- This is raw mode- it's clearly faster than cooked! %d\n", i);
fflush(fp); /* finish writing while in raw mode */
setraw(fd, old_rawness); /* go back to old raw/cooked state */
/*--- end of rawtest.lc ---*/
Name: David P. Zimmerman Nickname: "Davidann" (don't ask)
Cute quote: " (well, *I* think it's cute!)
Arpa: dzimmerman@blue.rutgers.edu
Uucp: ...{harvard, allegra, seismo}!topaz!dpz
/* ---------- */